Friday, April 9, 2010

be still my heart...

Sigh. These are so lovely that I am at a loss for words. As you probably know, the future mister is in graduate school working on his PhD in Southern/Appalachian History during the Civil War and Reconstruction. That roughly translates into a WHOLE LOT of reading (7+ years to be more precise). I love to read as well. If we were doing escort cards (which we're not), I'd jump all over this idea.

What are you doing for escort cards? Any suggestions as to how I can incorporate some pretty, fabric or paper covered books into our wedding decor?


  1. I love this idea, and think you could definitely incorporate books into your table décor, using them along with floral arrangements as centerpieces and even using them as table names. I say, take the idea and run with it! You can definitely find old books on the cheap, too.

  2. OMG OMG OMG! I Love this idea as I am a huge book worm :)

    PS I am enjoying following your blog and would love if you could follow mine too.
